New York & New Jersey Trust Administration Attorneys

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Are you thinking of establishing a trust to benefit your loved ones? Have you recently been appointed as a trust administrator in New York or New Jersey? Are you a beneficiary of a trust who has questions about how the trust is being administered? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Merlino & Gonzalez can help.

Trusts are powerful legal instruments that yield a number of specific benefits, but they are also complex and subject to both state and federal law. Don’t try to handle the challenging aspects of trust administration alone. Instead, turn to an experienced trust administration lawyer from Merlino & Gonzalez for the support and guidance you need. We can clarify unfamiliar legal terms, advise you on tax implications, and help you effectively manage and distribute trust assets in compliance with state law.

Get the answers you need about creating and administering trusts in New York and New Jersey. Contact Merlino & Gonzalez now to arrange your initial consultation and develop an action plan for seamless trust administration.

What Is a Trust?

A trust is a legal instrument by which one person (the trustor or grantor) grants another person (the trustee or trust administrator) the right to hold and manage assets on behalf of one or more third parties, called the beneficiaries. These assets can include money, property, and investments. Trusts accomplish several goals, including:

  • To protect the assets held in the trust
  • To ensure that the trustor’s assets are managed and distributed according to their wishes
  • To avoid probate after the trustor’s death
  • To reduce state and federal tax burdens

The trust administrator manages the trust and ensures it operates as the trust document specifies. The trust administrator must always act in the best interests of the beneficiaries. Their duties often include investing the trust’s assets, maintaining accurate records, and distributing assets to the beneficiaries as instructed by the trust document. They also handle taxes and legal issues related to the trust. The trust administrator’s job is to ensure the trust fulfills its intended purpose, whether it’s to provide financial support to the beneficiaries or to manage a family’s assets across generations.

Trustee Responsibilities

The job of a trustee or trust administrator involves various tasks essential for the proper management of a trust. They include:

  • Reviewing and interpreting the trust document
  • Investing trust assets wisely
  • Keeping detailed financial records
  • Preparing and filing trust tax returns
  • Distributing assets to beneficiaries as outlined in the trust
  • Paying trust-related bills and expenses
  • Making decisions about selling or retaining assets
  • Keeping up with legal and tax changes affecting the trust
  • Resolving disputes among beneficiaries
  • Protecting trust assets from loss or damage
  • Ensuring the trust complies with state and federal laws
  • Hiring professionals like accountants or lawyers, if necessary
  • Providing annual accountings to beneficiaries
  • Planning for the future needs of beneficiaries
  • Closing the trust when it is time to do so

Throughout all of this, the administrator’s job is to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries at all times.

Trust Accounting

Trust accounting is a key part of administering a trust. It involves recording and reporting all the financial activities of the trust: tracking the money that comes into the trust, the money that goes out of the trust, and any changes in the value of the trust’s assets. Trust accounting ensures that the trust administrator accurately reports the financial status of the trust to the beneficiaries. This requires detailed records of every financial transaction.

Whether you’re establishing a trust or you’re a trust administrator, you should always work with a knowledgeable attorney to address these duties. They can help you meet the appropriate legal standards in your accounting and set and follow the rules of the trust document. They can also help you understand complex legal and tax issues related to the trust. This is important because mistakes in trust accounting can lead to disputes among beneficiaries and even leave the administrator personally liable. Working with an attorney reduces these risks and helps manage the trust correctly and fairly.

Common Challenges in Trust Administration

An experienced trust administration lawyer in New York and New Jersey can help you address common challenges like:

  • Interpreting Complex Trust Documents: The specific terms and conditions of trust documents can be confusing to the layperson. Each trust has unique stipulations, which are often complex and open to interpretation.
  • Dealing with Uncooperative Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries can be unresponsive, difficult to please, or even outright hostile. This can complicate distributions and decision-making processes.
  • Managing Risk in Investments: Making investment decisions for the trust’s assets involves an element of risk. The challenge lies in choosing investments that align with the trust’s goals while managing this risk effectively.
  • Navigating Tax Implications: Trusts can have complicated tax implications. Administrators must understand these to avoid costly mistakes and ensure the trust remains compliant with tax laws.
  • Resolving Legal Disputes: Legal challenges often arise in trust administration, such as disputes over the interpretation of the trust document or challenges to the trust’s validity. Addressing these disputes requires a thorough understanding of estate planning law as well as a talent for de-escalation. 
  • Maintaining Accurate and Timely Records: Keeping detailed financial records and ensuring they are always up-to-date can be a daunting task, especially for larger trusts with numerous assets.
  • Adhering to Fiduciary Duties: Trust administrators have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries, which can be difficult for those who have a long history with the beneficiaries to do without bias or error.
  • Adjusting to Changes in Law: Laws governing trusts can change. Staying informed about these changes and adjusting the administration of the trust accordingly is a continuous challenge.

How a Trust Administration Lawyer Can Help

An experienced trust administration lawyer from Merlino & Gonzalez can provide valuable assistance to clients in New York and New Jersey by:

  • Reviewing the trust document to understand its requirements
  • Advising the trustee on performing their duties under the terms of the trust
  • Drafting and filing legal documents to transfer trust assets
  • Keeping records, filing taxes, and meeting other legal requirements
  • Resolving potential conflicts of interest or improper influence from beneficiaries
  • Keeping the trustee up-to-date on changing trust laws

Contact a New York & New Jersey Trust Administration Attorney Now

Trust administration is not a simple task, and getting it right matters. If you’re seeking guidance on the administration of a trust in New York or New Jersey, Merlino & Gonzalez is here to provide it. Contact us now for an initial consultation so we can answer your questions, offer useful advice, and provide the legal support you need.

Merlino & Gonzalez help residents of New York & New Jersey with their trust administration needs. Since their primary office is in Staten Island, they receive a lot of clients there as well as in the boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, & The Bronx.